Friday, January 20, 2012


Today we learned about lines and how lines can make shapes when the line is moved in different directions. We talked about the two types of shapes: geometric shapes, which consist of shapes like squares, triangles, rectangles, etc., and organic shapes, which consist of shapes found in nature like the shape of a leaf or mountain range. After discussing different shapes we looked at some examples of artists that use shapes as a main component of there work. Some of the artists we viewed were Mondrian and Lissitzky. We then had the kids draw and cut out a number of different shapes of their choosing (organic and geometric) and put together their own collages to add to their portfolios. The kids surprised me with how quickly they grabbed the concepts that I was teaching regarding lines forming shapes and the difference between organic and geometric shapes. They were very creative in their collages and even went beyond the level of creativity I expected. I think they really enjoyed the exercise. I'm excited for next week where the kids will be creating their own sketchbooks and portfolios.